Kitchen Design Professionalism

Oh dear…word on the socialite circuit is that Fanning Crosby hosted a garden party, and she did NOT get her kitchen renovated beforehand. I just…oh, the very thought of it is just the absolute picture of shame. I wasn’t there, having developed a sudden and severe case of Undefined Victorian Consumption Illness. I lay back […]

Too Much, Chad

I’m going to have to be really honest, even though it goes against my instincts: Chad is a bit much. I just wanted him to be a bit more open, and not close himself off when I want to talk about the future. And maybe…we could talk a bit more when we go on dates, […]

Wallpaper Effort

In my ideal dream house you can change the settings, like you can on ‘The Simulation World’. I spent many an hour of my childhood building a home, making my simulation people happy, giving them a good life and killing them all when I got bored. But now it’s given me a wildly unrealistic idea […]